• Donna Blem



    Having quality horse equipment is required for proper handling, teaching, training, consistency, connection and harmony. Evolution Horsemanship has spent the last year working to make sure all equipment is top quality for horses, humans and instructors. We are proud to present our Quality Horsemanship Equipment line.

    This line came together by founder Donna Blem, who knew the importance of consistent quality equipment and the massive hole in the market. Ms. Blem has a passion for making a difference in the lives of horses and humans. Her business model outreaches herself and includes important other top professionals. Giving them a safe place to send their students and help support their own individual horsemanship missions. She takes all the work, burden and risk out of the line for them to focus on teaching and training. This is the only horsemanship line model that has this purpose for all!

    When communicating with your horse, you need the right equipment so your message is CLEAR and SMOOTH. Ropes need to flow and slide and transfer energy… halters need to be light and soft… long lines need to be easy to handle and maintain connection. They ALL need to help you “Feeeeeeeeeeel”.

    Working together we can continue to help make the world a better place with quality horsemanship. Proper Horsemanship develops humans even more than it develops horses! The more you communicate with feel and the more subtle your communication, the softer, lighter and happier your horse will be and all the people around you!

    We are honored and proud to share this line with the top professionals - Ryan Rose, Pete Rodda and Jake Bierbaum.

Check out Photonic Health for you and your horse!

We know what it is like to be in pain...

For horse owners, there are numerous issues that can negatively impact your horse's life and performance. It is easy to feel lost and overwhelmed by the sheer number of treatments and protocols.

You do not have to feel helpless. The healing power of light from Photonic Health will help you and your horse!

​The Photonic Health pens are designed to address numerous issues quickly and easily, all with one device. Time with your horse is too precious to be limited by pain or injury. We provide the tools and education you need to give your horse the happy, healthy, pain free life they deserve. 

Use code DONNABLEM to get $25 off an order!